Wednesday, October 30, 2019
JETZ Fidelity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
JETZ Fidelity - Essay Example JETZ expatriates can definitely influence the expectations of its expatriates and help in their adjustment to the new work environment (Hofstede, 1983). In addition, Portuguese business culture communication styles should also be assessed by JETZ and the manner through which corporate values and organizational culture are transmitted. For instance, is it through socialization? In some cultures, exchange of favors, information sharing and friendships are critical means of winning and developing trust. Logically, JETZ managers who are sent to Portugal ought to have such characteristics as patience and being open to socialization with locals. Apparently, Tom, Mark and Jane have experienced a whole host of changes in being sent to a global post. On a personal level, they are required to undergo a transition from an environment to which they were accustomed to one which is very unfamiliar. Naturally, this required modifications in their living habits, and entailed finding a healthy, novel balance between their work and personal preoccupations. For a majority of individuals, this expends too much time and effort. Thus, the human resources department of JETZ ought to take action to prepare them so that they may cope with these difficulties in adjustment. The research of Mendenhall and Oddou (1985) indicate that adjustment to the cross-cultural facets of a global assignment requires three distinct personal abilities, as follows: 1) the capacity to sustain a valued sense of self; 2) the ability to associate to host nationals; 3) the ability to intellectually appreciate the belief systems that underpin behaviors in the host country. If Tom, Mark and Jane were oriented with these traits, it would have been easier for them to adjust because their expectations were more effectively managed (Black, 1990b; Mendenhall & Oddou, 1985). If they possessed such traits, it would have been more probable for them to adjust easily in their Faro assignment. In a related
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Slow And Filters And Rapid Sand Environmental Sciences Essay
Slow And Filters And Rapid Sand Environmental Sciences Essay Water Purification is a process in which the unhealthy water that is contaminated, unclean, adulterated, and poisoned is converted into safe drinking water through various stage processes rendering it safe for drinking and everyday use. Water Purification is done almost every day in every part of this world. The increasing population and industrialization is generating more and more threat to the drinking water sources as a lot of harmful chemicals are being released either intentionally or unintentionally into the sources. In most of the cases we cannot see these hazardous chemicals, but they pose a great threat to our health and lives. To treat water before being brought to use, various purification methods have been developed. They vary in their design, method of filtration, equipment used, efficiency, location and various other factors. Natural water is available from various sources like ground water, lakes, rivers and pond. It is very hard to find a pure water source in nature. Making the need to treat water and purify it before consumptions makes important. One of the objectives of water treatment and purification is to treat water from the best possible source to improve its various physical qualities, improving its taste and odour and eliminating all of the harmful contaminants. Various impurities can be classified as suspended impurities(remain in suspension), dissolved impurities(dissolved impurities and responsible for taste and odour) and colloidal impurities( electrically charged and never settle). Table 1 shows the various constituents of the impurities present in water and there effects. Ss+Tech+guide. Water for domestic use should be : Colorless and have no suspended solids; Odour free and must taste good; Free from disease causing organisms; Free of halmful salts and objectionable minerals; Free from dissolved gases which can he harm full; Should be non-corrosive in nature; Ss+Tech+guide. Table 1: Suspended and dissolved impurities in water ss+tech+guide One of the most important parts of the treatment process is Filtration. Filtration is a process in which solids particles in suspension in liquid medium are passed through porous media through which only liquid can pass away. It is required in conjugation with some kinds of chemical treatments to disinfect water of biological disease causing pathogens. [2] Crittenden, J. C. (2005).à Water treatment: Principles and design (2nd ed., p. 868). New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc. The various types of filters used are Gravity Filters Vacuum Filters Pressure Filters Centrifugals and Centrifuges PROCESS OVERVIEW Suspended matter present in water makes the appearance of water cloudy; this physical characteristic is known as turbidity. This suspended mater may consist of floc, microorganisms, algae, iron, silt and manganese precipitates and also some precipitates which remain after the various earlier stages. These suspended materials are filtered by passing water through granular beds, mostly composed of layers of sand, gravel, coal. As the process goes on and on and when the head lost is more than the permissible value the filter bed is backwashed or top soil is scrapped off and brought back into operation. But there need to be a second tank which will be operation as the first one is being backwashed or top soil is scraped off. The various other important processes in the water purification process are: Screening Aeration Coagulation Floculation Sedimentation Disinfection Stabilisation Water requirements of a city/town can be divided into five categories: domestic or residential use institutional use public or civic use industrial use water system losses DESCRIPTION A sand filter is very simple in its opertion and design. It is merely a bed of sand with support of layer of gravel, in a big box like structure. Provided with various fitting for inlet and outlet of water. A set of valves to control head during various situations. Below the gravel layer are underdrains required to remove the filtered water. Before dissipaion into the sand bed the energy of the water is to be reduced so that it doesnot erode the sand bed, also reffered to as short circuiting. There is headloss during the fileration process, it occours mainly due to accumulation of particles at top surface or due to microbial growth at he surface. The filters are backwashed when stage is reached below which any head loss cannot be tolerated. For backwash the outlet valves are closed and water is made to move in opposite direction. Manual of slow sand filters Chapter 2: COMPARISON Thogh both slows sand filters and rapid sand filters function under the action of gravity and mostlly have same constituent parts yet they differ in various factors which are explaind in Table 2 below. Slow Sand Filters Rapid Sand Filters 1. Rate of Filtration 1-3-10 m/day 100-125-300 m/day 2. Depth of Bed 0.30m of gravel 1.0m of sand 0.45m of gravel 0.75m of sand 3. Size of Sand 0.25 to 0.35 mm Uniformity Coeff: 2 to 3 0.45mm and higher Uniformity Coeff: 1.5 and Lower 4. Length of run 20 to 30 to 60 days 12 to 24 to 48 hours 5. Penetration of Suspended Matter Superficial Deep 6. Preperatory treatment of Water Generally aeration Flocullation and Sedimentation 7. Method of Cleaning Scraping Back washing 8. Cost of Construction Operation Depreciation of plants Higher Lower Lower Lower Higher Higher 9. Amount of Wash Water 0.2 to 0.6% of water filtered 1-4-6% of water filtered Table 2: Comparison between Slow and Rapid Sand Filters. Class notes Chapter 3 : SLOW SAND FILTERS 3.1: Introduction Slow Sand Filters are the original form of Filtration. The history date backs to 1804 when John Gibb of Scotland used the technique of filtration to treat water for his bleachery. He used to sell the surplus water to the public. The first large scale use of sand filters was in London to treat water of River Thames in 1820. Slow Sand filters are a viable water treatment solution. Though there are some difficulties faced involved in implementation and working of the system. It possess high initial cost and its use has seen a declining phase due to few resasons but is again gaining importance after the outbreak of Cryptosporidium in Milwaukee(1993) as they are superior to Rapid Sand Filters in removing pathogenic microorganisms. The various advantages of slow sand filters over Rapid sand filters are that it is highly efficient in removal of bacteria and viruses responsible for transmitting water related diseases. Also there is no usage of chemicals involved neither do we need any highly skilled and continuous supervision. Undeniably slow filteration is best suited for rural areas as there are low running costs. Slow sand filters What happens in Slow Sand Filters is that influent water seeps through the sand bed under the action of gravity. The sand used is less uniform as compared to that used in the Rapid Sand Filters. The most of the filtration is performed in the top few centimetres of the sand bed. The process involves two stages, one being the filtration stage and the other being the regeneration stage. Slow sand filters are not backwashed as Rapid Sand Filters, in place the filter is drained off and the top few centimetres of sand media are scraped off and the filter is placed back to work. 4 prelimi 3.2 Advantages The various advantages which slow sand filters posses are that theyare really very simple in design and operation. They also require minimum chemical and power requirements thereby making it an appropriate technique for removal of suspended organic and inorganic matter. They are also very effective in removal of pathogenic organisms from water source. Because of this reason they are gaining back importance as compared to Rapid sand filters. It also helps in reduction of bacteria and various organic levels, thus helping to reduce the amount of disinfectans to be used and thereby reducing the disinfection byproducts in treated water. Other advantages which they posses are that ther are minimal sludge handling problems, no expert supervison is required and also local labor and materials can be brought to use. 3.3 Disadvantages On the other hand it possess few limitations such as they require a large land area using large quantities of filter media. It also requires more of manual labour for cleaning. The sand filter can get easily clogged if turbudity levels are high in source water. Even if the nutrient content is low it may hinder in the turbudity removal action as some nutrient are needed for promotion of biological ecosystem growth. They do not completely remove all organic chemicals and dissolved inorganic sustances. Also very fine clay particles are not easily removed using slow sand filters. As the water temperature drops the biological activity drops and similar is the case in slow sand filters that if the influent water temperature is low it will decrease the biological activity within the filter making it less effective. 3.4 Factors influencing Efficiency: The removal of microbes and organism is slow sand filters are performed by biological processes. And the various factors affecting the growth and functionality of bacterial growth also affect eh efficiency of slow sand filters. The various factors can as stated as below Time: the minimum and bed depth should not be less than 0.7m and flow rate around 0.1 and 0.3 m per hour, as higher the time for reaction on the filter bed higher would be the efficiency attained. Oxygen: Oxygen is important for bacteria as it uses it for its activity. If the amount of oxygen in incoming water is low or there is high organic content it would cause the filter to be less effective. Temperature: temperature is not an issue in hot countries but in countries with cold conditions they affect the efficiency as lower the temperature lower will be the biological activity in the filter bed. Maturation: Sufficient time should be provided for the biological activities to take place. Also the filter should not be cleaned too frequently. Ss tech guide for slow sand filters CHAPTER 4- DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 4.1 Design Principles 4.1.1Sizing the Filter Bed The very first step in the design is to size the bed. The depth and base area are two parameters which help to drive the rest of the design. Bed area is determined by the Hydraulic Loading Rate (HLR) selected. Hlr should be so selected such that it considers both the cariation over daily cycle and the increase each year. Pilot plant studies performed can help in determining performance characteristics. Area The bed area is calculated using the following equation. In which HLR= hydraulic loading rate (m3/m2/hr or mgad) Q = flow (mil L/d or mgd) A = bed area (m2 or acres) Depth of Sand The depth of sand bed is determined using the number of years the filter is to be designed before there is any need for resanding. Year of operation is determined as follows Where Y = years of operation Di = depth of initial sand bed Df = Depth of final sand bed before rebuilding is required R = depth of removal F = frequency 4.1.2 HYDRAULICS The various functions for which hydraulic analysis are required are to distribute raw water on the sand bed, collection of water, drainage of headwater, control of flow through the filter, and measurement of the headloss. DISTRIBUTION The influent water needs to be distributed throughout the surfaceare uniformly as if entire influent water is delivered at same point, short circuiting of flow would occour. To control this kinetic energy of flow must be either distributed or dissipated. It is a matter of judgment to choose exit velocity and pipe size as there is not much of flow criteria in existence. Figure below shows a system of pipes for how distribution of water may be done. Fig : showing an approach for distributin of water over sand bed. Collection A system of underdrains need to designed for the collection of filtered water. Drainage For the need to scrap the sand bed, the headwater must be drained off to a level below the the sand bed surface. The figure below explains how the drainage occours in two stages. One being done at the top surface removing the top portion of headwater and the second being at the bottom removing the rest of remaining water. Fig: Shows drainage points BACKFILLING After the drainage has been done and the scrapinf of the sand bed has been done there is need to backfill. Fot this we may use the filtered water from other sand filters operating in parallel. The filtered water is fed back to the recenlty scraped filter system using a system of valves as shown in the following figure. The Part a shows the filters working in normal condition with all valves closed. Part b shows the backfilling of filter 1 from filter 2 nad the filter 3 continues with its operations. The backfilling is done till the depth of water reaches around 1 ft above the sand saurface. It should be boted that amount of water in storage tanks should be sufficient to satisfy the demand as filter 1 and 2 are not in operation. fig. showing the various stages of backfilling. FLOW MEASUREMENT There is a need to monitor the influent and effluent flow throughout the operation so as to maintain a constant supply and hydraulic head to satisfy the demand. For this various flow measuring devices are installed at various points like at inlet to the pland and at oultel. Also they are applied at the various inlets and outlets to individual filters. Also these meters help in keeping a record for the water demands of the community. Fot it various euipments are used such as à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦. Flow Control There is a 24 need to control the flow of water. There is a need to keep a check on the influent amount of water so that a constant supply is maintained. Also there is need to control flow at the effluent end of the plant to adjust according to the daily nad hourly variations in water demand. Headloss Measurement Headloss measurement is important for the continous operation of the filter and to maintain a constant head throughout the supply. When the loss of head if below the required value is reached the scraping of filter is done followed by backfilling. To measure the headloss Piezometers need to be installed. One of it needs to be connected above the sand bed and the other to the tailwater basin. 3.5.1 Design Capacity Slow sand filtration is best suited and cost effective for population range between 30,000 to 40,000 as compared to rapid sand filtration. It shoul not be used for population higher this range because for it we need to build more number of filteraton units, and for that larger area would be required. Also if there is need for additional pre-treatment facilities like sedimentation, as always is the case, more area would be required. 3.5.2 Quality considerations of influent water The limit for turbudity of influent water should not be higher than 20 Nephelometric Turbidity Unitsà (NTU). But for ideal conditions it should be less than 10 NTU. If the turbudity for influent water is higher than 20 NTU, the water need to be pretreated with facilities such as grit chamber, settlink tank or a combination of various other pre-filtration systems as shown in figure below. Ss tech guide Figure 2: Schematic sequence of water treatment facilities when using slow sand filter ss tech guide Pretreatment Facilities Fot the pretreatment of the water we may make use of Grit chambers, sedimentation tanks or roughing filters. Each of these is explained as follows. Grit Chambers: These are also called as coarse sedimentation tanks. The maximum speed of water flow is around 0.75m/s. In case of the retention time it need not be very long, just a few minutes would be sufficient. In this coarse particles are removed before water goes to the settling tanks. Sedimentation tank: Settling of fine suspended particles is done in the sedimentation tanks. The detention time is around 2 hours. These are further of various types like type I, II, III and IV. 3.5.6 Design criteria For the design of slow sand filters various design criteria shown in Table 3 can be used. Also to make sure there is adequate water supply and slow sand filter function properly, the flow rate should be maintained between 0.1 to 0.3 cubic meter of water per hour per square metre area of filter media. Table 3: General design criteria ss tech guide 3.5.6 Determination of size and number of slow sand filters: From the point of effluent quality, the weakest part is the edge of the filter bed. As the raw water may leak and pass the sand filter if attention is not taken while the design and operation of the filter. The way to minimise this is that the filters should not be made too small. The recommended size is around 5 m2, a workable size is around 100 m 2 , with a maximum of 200 m2. The system needs to have a minimum of 2 filters, to make sure one is in operation while the other is being cleaned. But a recommended value of 4 is good to ensure an increased and sufficient amount of treated water supply. The following empirical formula can be used to calculate an approximate number of filters required. n = à ½(A) (1/3), or n = à ¼ (Q) (1/2) Where, n Number of filter units A Total required area in m2 Q Average daily water demand expressed in m3/hr 3.5.7 Filter bed and filtration sand size of slow sand filter: There are various alteranatives to sand in sand filter bed like crushed coral or burnt rice husk. But the use of sand remains the most efficient and effective. The sand to be used is expressed in its effective size (D10) and its uniformity Coefficient. Where D10 is defined as the sieve opening that permits passage of 10% of sand by weight. And Uniformity coefficient is defined as the ratio between D60 and D10. UC = D60 / D10. The values of effective size and uniformity coefficient can be determined by performing sieve analysis as follows. Also the value of D10 for a continually operated filter is around 0.15 to 0.30mm. A mixture of 4 or 5 smaples is taken randomly to form a representative sample for the sieve analysis. It is washed to remove any impurities. Take 500 gm of the sample and using a mechanical sieving shaker, sieve it for 15 minutes. Sand retained on each sieve is weighed and added to the previous one. The grain shape for the sand filter should be perfectly round. It should be free from any clay, soil or organic matter. If the influent water is expected to be high in carbon dioxide, then there should be less than 2% of calcium and magnesium carbonates. Three important considerations should be kept in mind before deciding on the thickness of the filter bed: Immidetialtely below the top surface lies a zone in which purifying bacteria thrive. The thickness of this zone is around 0.3 and 0.4 m(in case of high filtration rate) Under this zone chemical reactions take place. It may be described as mineral oxidation zone, in which organic materials released in zone 1 are chemically degrade. Thickness of this zone is around 0.4 and 0.5 m(when water has high organic content). In total the thickness of zone 1 and 2 should not be less than 0.7m in any case. With Continuous operation for one to three months the filter starts to get clogged and the top 1-2 cm of sand bed is scrapped off including the filter skin. This layer is not replaced immediately, but done after some time. So provisions should be made for successive cleaning throughout the period. 3.5.8 Under-drains Under drains helps in efficient operation of filter. It assists in both providing support to the filter medium and to drain of the treated water to escape from the underside of the filter. Since it is laid below the sand bed, the under drainage system cannot be cleaned or repaired without any major disturbance to the sand bed. So care should be taken while designing that it doesnt get choked by granular material. One of the simplest designs consists of the main and lateral drains. Lateral drains consists of perforated PVC pipes or glazed pipes laid with open joints covered with gravel with successively increasing grain size to prevent intrusion to filter medium. In large filters it is mostly constructed of concrete as compared to PVC pipes in small filters. Figure à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ shows various arrangements for construction of under drain. Special considerations need to be taken care of while designing under drain system for perforated pipes as explained in tableà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ Figure: Arrangements for main drain Figure: various types of filter bottoms Table: Criteria for dimensioning under drain using perforated pipes Factors to be considered for the gravel layer supported by the under drains. The gravel layer is built of number of layers, with fine at top to coarse at the bottom with gradually graded grains not differing by a factor of not more than 1.41. The bottom layer of gravel should have a grain diameter of at least double the size of the openings into the drainage system. Each successive layer should be graded such that the its smaller dia (D10) particle diameter are not less than four times than those of layer immediately below. If the joints are 8mm or less wide, the following values for D10 and D90 would be sufficient with three layers. D10(mm) D90(mm) Top Layer 1 1.4 Second Layer 4 5.6 Third Layer 16 23 In slow sand filters the gravel should conform to specifications similar to filtering medium, like it also should be hard, rounded, free from sand, clay, dirt and with specific gravity of at least 2.5. Also after immersion in concentrated hydrochloric acid for 24 hrs. The weight lost should not be more than 5% by weight. For the thickness of the layer, it should be at least 3 times the diameter of the largest stone. The gravel layer should be placed with care as any movement may disturb the filter sand above or may choke the under drain. 3.5.6 Factors influencing slow sand filtration efficiency Since the process of removal of microbes and organisms in filter is completely biological, the efficiency depends on various factors such as time, temperature, oxygen and the beneficial microbes. They are explained as follows Time: For biological processes to take place time plays a critical role. So sufficient amount of time should be provided for the reactions to take place. Time is determined by the depth of sand bed provided and the flow rate. The sand depth should not be less than 0.7m and flow in between 0.1 and 0.3 m per hour. Oxygen: Oxygen I required for the activity of bacteria in the filter bed. So sufficient amount of oxygen level should be maintained in incoming water as low amount would affect the efficiency of the slow sand filter. Temperature: Hot temperature is best for the bacterial activity. Its not a problem in hot countries, but in cold countries attention need to be given to the temperature conditions. Maturation: Bacterial growth is not that fast during the initial stages of the filter and also after every time it is cleaned. So it is suggested not to clean the filter bed too often. 3.5.7 Effluent Quality The performance of slow sand filter in terms of various factors like colour, turbudity, organic matter, etc. are given in tableà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦. Table.. Performance of slow sand filter
Friday, October 25, 2019
Innocence Lost by Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay -- Nathaniel Hawthorne Inn
Innocence Lost by Nathaniel Hawthorne My Kinsman, Major Molineux and Young Goodman Brown present Nathaniel Hawthorneââ¬â¢s belief in the universality of sin. These works provide numerous perspectives into the nature of the human condition and the individualââ¬â¢s role within it. Hawthorne fictionalizes a world where communion with man is essential for spiritual satisfaction. The main characters of these stories face moral dilemmas through their pursuit of human communion. Whether the problems are moral, psychological, or both, Hawthorne insists that the individual must come to affirm a tie with the procession of life, must come to achieve some sense of brotherhood of man. In order to commune with mankind, one has to give up a secure, ordered and innocent world. The individual becomes liable to a fearsome array of complex emotions. One feels alienated by a community that forces himself to corruption while his isolation creates an ambiguity. The newly initiated into the rites of man appears no more moral than th ose who he disdains. Hawthorne presents a world where communion with mankind leads to corruption while isolation from humans is an unpardonable sin. Nathaniel Hawthorne presents an interesting predicament in man's search for communion with his fellow man. Coming of age in Hawthorne's time requires an affirmation of sin, communion with sinners and celebration of life through sin. Hawthorne creates this environment by grounding the consequences on earth. To feel the universal throb of brotherhood, one must recognize sin, participate in and celebrate it. Hawthorne affirms, recognizes and revels in the depravity of the human condition. The first fatal step of understanding human nature is a self-conscious probing that ends in confusion. The story of My Kinsmen, Major Molineux presents the youthful character of Robin on his way from the country to the town of Boston. He wishes to succeed within the community, and figures that it will not be difficult because of his connection through Major Molineux, a prominent figure of the community. Hawthorne erodes innocence slowly through the harsh experience of urban realities. Robinââ¬â¢s initial contact with the residents of this community jostles his confidence. He does not yet understand the harshness of adults and happily continues on his way. But Hawthorne underscores the cost of his yearning. Robin has t... ... later. Camus insists Sisyphus is happy or there is no joy or redemption for life on earth. The profundity of Hawthorne is apparent in his notions of the human condition. Nathaniel Hawthorne concludes his discovery of sin in the human condition at the point of universal appeal. The key for Hawthorneââ¬â¢s understanding of the human condition is the recognition of the universality of sin. So take this work for its imperfections, instead of tormenting these ideas with the harsh meter stick of faithless standards. Nathaniel Hawthorne believes that understanding man is understanding its moral condition of imperfection. Works Cited: Hawthorne, Nathaniel. ââ¬Å"Ethan Brandâ⬠. Nathaniel Hawthorneââ¬â¢s Tales. Ed. James McIntosh. Norton Critical Edition. New York: Norton, 1987. 231-244. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. ââ¬Å"My Kinsman, Major Molineuxâ⬠. Norton Anthology of American Literature. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1994. 1173-1186. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brownâ⬠. Norton Anthology of American Literature. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1994. 1198-1207. Stubbs, John C. The Pursuit of Form: a study of Hawthorne and the romance. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1970.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
If I Can Change the World
If I could change the world, money, the axis of evil, will not be the center of everything. It will just be a part of life, not the criterion of man's success in life. People will stop killing each other for money; people will stop defrauding others of their money. If I could change the world, money will stop its reign as king over man's soul. In Saudi Arabia, Women, dressed in black from head to toe with only their eyes sticking out, were moving about busily.If I could change the world, women will be given the same rights as men. Why do these men think that they are the gods of this land? Women in other countries have proved that they could emulate men; don't these women have the same potential? If I could change the world, these women will definitely be free to show off all their talents for this country's own benefit. ââ¬Å"To Israel, please,â⬠I replied, remembering the suicide attacks I've heard of so many times.We were greeted by a gunshot which miraculously passed throug h us but hit a man behind us who immediately fell to the ground, which was already wet with fresh blood. If I could change the world, there will be no wars. Look at that man over there,â⬠I said, pointing to someone who was frantically holding the dying man who was shot upon our arrival. ââ¬Å"He can tell you about the helpless feeling of holding a dying friend in his arms, feeling the life flowing out and not being able to do anything about it.What will happen to that dying man's family? If he is the breadwinner of the family, how will the rest of his family survive? If he is the only son of an old mother, how many sleepless nights will the mother spend weeping for her lost son? If I could change the world, nations will learn to forgive and forget each other's mistakes. Nations will learn to respect each other's religion, culture and perspectives. Leaders of nations will not hunt for reasons to harm and to attack, but will search for ways to help and to cooperate for a better world
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Introduction to the microbial world history of microbiology Essay
Part A. This letter is in response to your story which was published in your website and broadcasted in your stations regarding Edward Jenner as the most prolific microbiologist that ever lived and have contributed much to the improvement of microbiology and public health. I would like to make a point that several other scientists have contributed much to that of the works of Jenner on eradicating small pox virus by vaccination. He may have started the use of vaccines which led to its eradication years later; however, it should not be mistaken to be the most significant microbiological contribution. Take an example the work of Joseph Lister on 1867 regarding antiseptics (Prescott et al., 2005). Like any other scientist during his time, works on antisepsis was not an overnight job; he worked carefully and tested his theories over and over again, until such time that he perfected it (Roediger, 1990). By thoughtfully thinking of what may cause pus formation in surgical wounds, he experimented with rags and phenol and used it as wound dressings. Sure enough, his patients did not develop gangrene after being dressed with carbolic acid or phenol treated rags. Later on, he improved on excluding bacteria from his operating suite by incorporation of clean environment as a prerequisite in aseptic surgery (Lister, 1909). See more: how to write an academic introduction In modern days, Listerââ¬â¢s work on antiseptic surgery had decreased much of the deaths caused by hospital-acquired infections brought about by practicing of good science (Pasteur and Lister, 1996). By applying his notion of the germ theory via his promotion of environmental cleanliness and sanitation, he inculcated the modern medical practitioners with standards of disease prevention that ultimately lead to reduction of major infections like tuberculosis (Osborn, 1986). Most notably, in his honor, Listerineà ® was named after him. In recognition of his efforts, the British Medical Journal recently stated that ââ¬Å"he saved more lives by the introduction of this system than all the wars of the 19th century together had sacrificedâ⬠(Nester et al., 2007). To conclude that Lister was more prolific than Jenner, the Jenner Institute of Preventive Medicine in Britain was changed to its current name, the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine (The Lister Institute). Another notable scientist is in the persona of Dr. John Snow. John Snow, in 1849 published his works entitled, ââ¬Å"On the mode of communication of cholera.â⬠In his research, Snow began to hypothesize that cholera was indeed transmitted by a common source, and sure enough he pin pointed it to a contaminated water pump in Broad Street (Thrusfield, 22007). Though highly criticized and much of his researches were dismissed, he never did falter in seeking out the truth. Despite of these obstacles, he never faltered to show the good qualities of an epidemiologist: good record keeper, determined, dedicated and highly skilled (Stanwell-Smith, 2002). A good record keeper, he was a very keen observer and he never did forgot to take into accounts this minute details that allowed him to solve the mystery of the cholera epidemic in London. Moreover, determined and dedicated to his work even though criticisms were all around him and yet a highly skilled scientist never did show attitudes that will hinder him from succeeding (Prescott et al., 2005). His works have led people to dub him as ââ¬Å"the father of epidemiology.â⬠Sure enough, epidemiology and public health cannot have gone a million step without the initiative of the medical doctor who was once criticized for hypothesizing something at that time which cannot be proven until later years where, the bacteria responsible for the disease was isolated. It may be another story of another scientist, but without Snow, nothing not even the prevention and determination of the occurrence of diseases can progress (Stanwell-Smith, 2002). Sure enough, Jenner may have helped in improving disease prevention by first creating the vaccine and subsequent studies leading to its development, it cannot be disclosed that Lister and Snow, did more achievements in the field of microbiology and public health per se. It may be fitting to say that Jenner may be a great microbiologist, it is only proper to also uphold and acknowledge other note taking efforts of these other microbiologists. Part B. In the summer of 1999, the first human case of West Nile Encephalitis in the western hemisphere was documented. By the end 0f 2002, the WNV epidemic have resulted to at least a total 4,156 human cases (with 2,943 meningoencephalitis case and 284 deaths), 16,741 dead birds, 6,604 infected mosquitoes and 14,571 equine cases. This epidemic was the largest recognized arboviral meningoencephalitis epidemic in the Western Hemisphere (CDC, 2003). The Virus Western equine encephalitis is a member of the Genus Flavivirus under the Family Flaviviridae (Tortora et al., 2007). The virions are spherical and around 50 nm in diameter. It is widely distributed throughout the Americas, especially after the onset of the epidemics in 2002. It is maintained in an endemic cycle involving domestic and passerine birds and Culex sp. serving as the vector host (Murphy et al., 1999 ). à WNV infection in humans produces either asymptomatic infection or mild febrile disease, sometimes accompanied by rash, which should be differentiated from dengue hemorrhagic fever. The human case-fatality rate in the U.S. hasà been 7% overall with 10% of patients having neuroinvasive WNV disease (CDC, 2003). The Outbreak Although unknown how or when WNV was introduced into North America, international travel of infected people, importation of infected birds or mosquitoes or migration of infected birds are all possibilities and cannot be ruled out. Overwintering mosquitoes during the winter of 1999 to 2000 have been the mode wherein the virus has propagated throughout New York. It has then undergone several cycles of overwintering and by the end of 2002 has affected 44 states, including the District of Columbia. It has now been proven that the mosquito carry the virus and have traveled initially from New York to nearby states infecting other animals, most notably humans. (CDC, 2003). Control and Prevention Prevention and control of WNV encephalitis was accomplished effectively through a series of comprehensive efforts and programs including integrated pest management. It should be taken into consideration that the priority prevention for this type of disease is destruction of mosquito habitats which serve as the main vector. Likewise, sanitation and water management greatly reduced the total number of cases from that of 2002 to a tolerable one. (CDC, 2003)
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Compare and Contrast Vivre Sa Vie (My Life to Live) and Emporte-Moi (Set Me Free) essays
Compare and Contrast Vivre Sa Vie (My Life to Live) and Emporte-Moi (Set Me Free) essays The films Vivre Sa Vie (My Life to Live) and Emporte-Moi (Set Me Free), are very similar when looking at the two main characters of the films, Nana and Hanna. However, the events and people surrounding the characters are different, to catch these similarities and differences throughout the second film (Emporte-Moi) it is imperative that the first film (Vivre Sa Vie) has been seen. The similarity is sprung when Hanna watches Vivre Sa Vie for the first time. Almost instantly she idolizes the main character Nana and it is then that Hannas life begins to parallel Nanas. Both are on a search for their own identity separate from the outside forces that are trying to control them. In the film Emporte-Moi, Hanna comes from a difficult household where her parents seem to love each other but seem hate each other just as much, if not more. Hannas father, an unpublished poet with no other work, and cannot find a way to show his family love. Instead he is very controlling of his family. He forces Hanna to cut her hair short like a boys. He makes his wife type his works at night. Her mother is over worked, working a seamstress during the day and a typist at night for Hannas father. While at the same time she is very depressed and makes many suicide attempts, she is not there for Hanna either. Neither of Hannas parents is there to guide her at a time where she is a difficult age of 13 and becoming a woman. This is why Hanna begins to look other places for guidance in her life. Through her idolization of Nana an idolization of her teacher is sprung. Hanna also associates her teacher with Nana, when she sees her teacher smoking the way Nana did in the movie. Hanna tries develop a special relationship with her teacher. Thus Hanna begins to look at Nana as well as to her teacher for guidance and inspiration in her life, instead of her parents. Guidance from her teacher has a much more positive effect on ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Literary Analysis For Fahrenheit 451 Essays - Social Science Fiction
Literary Analysis For Fahrenheit 451 Essays - Social Science Fiction Literary Analysis for Fahrenheit 451 In Ray Bradury's novel, Fahrenheit 451, there is a very commonly known as a book of science fiction book. More specifically one that refers to the future, and the consequences that can be inflicted as a result of the world having very little individuality. However, this book also has had a long lasting effect on the world as we know it to be presently. Bradbury is obviously very concerned with the world, and how it is losing its individuality. This novel represents the differences of having indiviuality versus conformity. Ray Bradbury is also concerned with people's willingness to act out upon things that are seldomly attempted because of fear of persecution. As the story is plotted, the people of the United States, who are unaware of their true potential, walk through their lives as if they were programmed robots or machines that are not able to think for themselves. The government, both federal and local, have threatened an frightened the people of the nation. Because of this, the people are afraid to act out upon the government because they are afraid of becoming isolated in the world. Different from the world that we know, the poeple are not taught to read at school, or at their homes. If a person attempts to even take possession of a book, they have all of their possessions taken away from them and their houses burned. Therefore, as time progresses the poeple become more and more ignorant about the world around them and its potential. One good example of showing how the people have lost their individuality is when Clairisse shows up in town. The town is a very happy and quiet town, but when this seventeen year old girl shows up in town, she immediatley has effects on people. Montag is the one person that would listen and understand her. She would continually ask him questions all of the time, an Montage would get annoyed by it. However, after that, he realized that the world was a much more bigger and intrigueing place. He started reading books in secrecy and soon became very aware of the potential that people had in them. Another example is when Montage started to read a book aloud to guests at his house. Mildred invited her friends over to watch a form of television. Montag got angry at how the women were so ignorant. When he started to read aloud from a poem, even though the women were somewhat intrigued by the poem they were still frightened. This conformity that plays a such large role in the women's lives is a prime example of how stubborn and unaware the people are. A very good example of how ignorant the people are is how they allowed the people with influence to change the past. For example, during the time period in the book the firmen were taught to start fires. They were even told that in the past the firemen were always starting the fires. People were so ignorant that they didn't even stop to gain logic about that fact. In conclusion, Ray Bradbury wrote this novel not just to entertain the reader. He probably also wrote Fahrenheit 451 to get the people to understand what could happen to the world if people begin to stray off towards conformity, and lose their individuality and ability to speak their opinion.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Definition of an Emulsifying Agent
The Definition of an Emulsifying Agent Emulsifier Definition An emulsifier or emulsifying agent is a compound or substance that acts as a stabilizer forà emulsions, preventingà liquidsà that ordinarily dont mix from separating. The word comes from the Latin word meaning to milk, in reference to milk as an emulsion of water and fat. Another word for an emulsifier is an emulgent. The term emulsifier may also refer to an apparatus that shakes or stirs ingredients to form an emulsion. How an Emulsifier Works An emulsifier keeps immiscible compounds from separating by increasing the kinetic stability of the mixture. Surfactants are one class of emulsifiers, which lower surface tension between liquids or between a solid and liquid. Surfactants keep droplet size from getting large enough for components to be able to separate based on density. The method of emulsification matters in addition to the nature of the emulsifier. Proper integration of components extends the emulsions ability to resist changes. For example, if you are making an emulsion for cooking, the mixture will maintain its properties longer if you use a blender than if you stir the ingredients by hand. Emulsifier Examples Egg yolks are used as an emulsifier in mayonnaise to keep the oil from separating out. The emulsifying agent in egg yolks is lecithin. Mustard contains multiple chemicals in the mucilage around the seed that act together as emulsifiers. Other examples of emulsifiers include sodium phosphates, sodium stearoyl lactylate, soy lecithin, Pickering stabilization, and DATEM (diacetyl tartaric acid ester of monoglyceride). Homogenized milk, vinaigrettes, and metalworking cutting fluids are examples of common emulsions.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Corporal Pushment In Children Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Corporal Pushment In Children - Research Paper Example Some countries and states have legalized corporal punishment; however, in some states and countries, corporal punishment is banned. This paper discusses the issue of corporal punishment in detail. Corporal Punishment on Children Karem De Gouveia Mr. Roycraft ENC 1101- T November 15, 2011 De Gouveia i Outline I- Introduction Thesis: Corporal punishment as a sort of physical punishment is legalized in some states of the world while other states regard it disadvantageous for the childrenââ¬â¢s physical and mental growing up. II- Definition of Corporal Punishment A. Characteristics of physical abuse B. The goal of corporal punishment III- Kinds of Corporal Punishment A. Domestic punishment B. How is the corporal punishment in the judicial system IV- Views of Different Schools of Thoughts A. Different views on corporal punishment. B. The point of view in the state of Texas C. As per the law of New Hampshire V- Impact of Corporal Punishment on Children A. Positive Impact B. Negative Imp act De Gouveia 1 Corporal Punishment in Children Physical abuse of children at the hands of their parents and / or guardian is considered corporal punishment. It is considered as a sort of constructive punishment inflicted upon children to discipline them. In many developed countries of the world, parents / guardians cannot be prosecuted for physical assault under their laws. Even in the developing countries, there is no law which makes parents / guardians answer to the law enforcing agencies for spanking or slapping their children. Physical abuse is a part of corporal punishment. According to Gershoff (2002), ââ¬Å"Physical abuse is characterized by the infliction of physical injury as a result of punching, beating, kicking, biting, burning, shaking or otherwise harming a child. The parent and caretaker may not have intended to hurt the child; rather the injury may have resulted from over- discipline or physical punishment.â⬠(pp. 540). Regardless, if there was an intention t o hurt the child or not, the child was hurt, and it can be considered physical abuse. Corporal punishment by its nature comprises domestic, academic and judicial punishments. Domestic punishment means children receive punishment from parents / guardian. With regard to academic institutions, students are punished by teachers / administrators at the elementary level. In the judicial system, corporal punishment is applied upon prisoners by the De Gouveia 2 superintendent of prison and other associated officials in line with the judgment of the court. The goal of corporal punishment is to place the people on the right track. It differs from people to people in terms of age. As far as the children are concerned, the parental corporal punishment proves effective at the initial period of life of a child if he / she is below the age of eighteen. To make a child good in behavior, he or she should be intimated for corporal punishment or corporal punishment should be inflicted upon as the expe rience may be. This has been legal in many schools of United States of America. However, Canada, Kenya, Korea, South Africa, New Zealand, Europe except France are exempted from such punishment. It has virtually vanished from the western world. However, it can be seen in Africa and Asia. (Straus & Donnelly 27) Different schools of thought may have different views on corporal punishment, but they agree on one thing that is the necessity to repair the attitudes of children. However, the method of causing harm may vary from
Friday, October 18, 2019
Informative report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Informative report - Assignment Example The requirements including applicantsââ¬â¢ eligibility, whether all application materials were turned in by the deadline, whether the applicant achieves the minimum standard scores on all evaluations and importantly whether he/she displays positive behavior, attitude as well as commitment to completing the college program. (Gateway to College). FRCC office also offers financial aid to the students to pay their tuition and other fees. To get that aid, the students need to have certain eligibility conditions. Apart from being a U.S. citizen or a U.S. permanent resident, they have to be classified as a Colorado resident as well. In addition, they need to have high school diploma, or pass the ACCUPLACER test. Importantly, they should have a ââ¬Å"good standing in accordance with Front Range Community Collegeââ¬â¢s Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.â⬠(Financial Aid) Choosing a career is one of the most crucial decisions that will be taken by the students in their lives. To aid in taking that crucial decision, FRCC has in-house career counselors, who can aid the students. So, the students can schedule an appointment with these counselors, who will surely aid them in exploring various options and then focusing on one. There are also career assessment tools or softwares, which can aid the students in selecting their
Materials Engineering - Career Outlook and Responsibilities Research Paper
Materials Engineering - Career Outlook and Responsibilities - Research Paper Example The research was conducted by going through written sources of information found within the Penn state university library system, the study of this engineering material leads to an occupation known as material engineering. Material engineers deal with the development, processing and testing of materials used to create a wide range of products. They employ the use of metals, ceramics, semiconductors, composites and plastics to create new materials that exhibit certain mechanical, electrical, chemical properties superior to the individual constituent materials, and they also come up with new ways of utilizing new materials. The general roles covered by material engineers in all the occupations include: Monitoring performance of materials and evaluation of their deterioration, determining causes of product failure and developing necessary solutions, supervision of the work of other cadres of employees like technicians, designing and directing the processing and testing procedures , plan ning and evaluating new projects in consultation with other necessary personnel. In order to do this they study materials at an atomic level with the aid of computers to help in replicating the characteristics of the materials and their constituents, through this they are able to solve problems cutting across all engineering fields like: chemical, electrical, civil, nuclear and aerospace. Material engineer may specialize in understanding specific types of materials like ceramics, composites, metallurgical materials, plastics or semiconductor materials. INTRODUCTION This research is based on the occupation of the various material engineers. The term material engineering stems from the word engineering materials, the in-depth understanding of materials used in engineering qualifies one to be called materials engineer. The information used in this research was gathered through written sources of information through the Penn state university library system, occupational handbook of the federal government of the United States of America and non commercial websites as indicated herein in the citations. The content of the research majorly covers the study of engineering materials. Engineering materials refer to the materials that constitute part of structures, products, devices and mechanisms that are used daily to maintain or improve life and uplift the living standards of the people. Materials engineering refers to the process of the study of engineering materials, developing, processing and testing materials used to create a wide range of products. It also entails the creation of new materials and new ways of their application (Kenneth and Michael). This research covers the career outlook of material engineers and their responsibilities in their respective fields, material engineering as a profession entails numerous carriers depending on the continuous and unending needs of the society. In every occupation discussed below in the major section covers the following ; Description of the job and responsibilities, Education
Criticaly examine impact of economic globalization on KURDISTAN REGION Essay
Criticaly examine impact of economic globalization on KURDISTAN REGION - Essay Example The concept of economic globalization also greatly influenced the economic growth of this region. The emergence of economic globalization influenced the regionââ¬â¢s government to change its economic policies in way that would encourage investments and cross border trade. The Kurdish economy has undergone significant structural changes over the last few decades, and this reshaping process could be attributed to the emergence of economic globalization. This concept has greatly benefited the region to improve the living standards of its people. Today the living standards of Kurds are far better than that of the people from other parts of Iraq. In addition, the Kurdish government has recognized the importance of private sector in enhancing economic stability and sustainability of the region. This paper will critically evaluate the impacts of economic globalization on Kurdistan. 1. Economic Globalisation: Definition Globalization can be defined as ââ¬Å"the intensification of worldwi de social relations which link distance localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versaâ⬠(Giddens 2008, p.64). ... The Kurds were not trusted partners of the regime. There are many examples of actions taken that were not in the best interests either of the Kurds or the region, building less health centres, force evacuation from the villages, no primary highways to name few but many. This has resulted in an under-invested region both economically and socially. The Kurdistan region is unique at the present time in Iraq in having potentially three levels of government, National, Regional and Provincial. Still the roles and responsibilities of these levels of Government are not clear. The Kurdish society always tries to achieve self-dependence and retain the integrity of its borders. This concern is also shared by other national and international interests concern with the future of Iraq. The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) receives both cash and in-kind allocations from Baghdad amounting to about 14 percent of projected Iraqi federal revenues (World Bank, 2007). The bulk of Iraqââ¬â¢s federal revenues are based on oil (96 percent in the 2006 budget). However the largest cash allocation to KRG is 17 percent of a divisible pool of funds, representing all federal domestic revenues net of a number of expenditure programs. KRGââ¬â¢s share is based on a national estimate of KRGââ¬â¢s population relative to the rest of Iraq1. 1.2 Current Policies or Economic Development Objectives: ââ¬Å"Economic growth, being a summary measure of all of the activities of an entire society, necessarily depends, in some way, on everything that goes on in a societyâ⬠(Lucas 1998). In order to analyze the impacts of economic globalization on the Kurdish region, it is vital to identify the current economic development objectives of the Kurdish government. KRG economic development objectives to date are
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Earth Sciences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Earth Sciences - Essay Example Thus, careful study of the accurate cardinal orientation of the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt, and the Venus alignment of the Maya Palace of the Governor at Uxmal in Yucatan can reveal to what extent associated ancient cultures were advanced in their knowledge of astronomy and possibly provide scope for amazement at such achievements of monumental precision ((The Center for Archaeoastronomy, 2002). Stonehenge (Figures 4 & 5) has special significance to archaeoastronomy. It is certainly not the largest ancient stone circle in the world but it is certainly the only one with lintels on the upright stones (English Heritage Website, FAQs on Stonehenge). "Stonehenge, the word, is believed to have originated from the Anglo-Saxon period, from the old English word "henge' meaning 'hanging' or 'gibbet'. Thus, Stonehenge literally means the 'hanging stones' and may have been derived from the lintels that seem to hang above the uprights (English Heritage, Historical Background, Stonehenge, 2006). Today 'henge' has a special significance in archaeology meaning a circular construction of either stone or timber (English Heritage, Historical Background, Stonehenge, 2006). The discoveries at Stonehenge in the 60s have made the interdisciplinary fields of archaeoastronomy and ethnoastronomy (the study of contemporary native astronomies) active fields wherefrom scholars derive knowledge of our species' continuous interaction with the cosmos (The Center for Archaeoastronomy, 2002). The report seeks to find clearly why Stonehenge was built, when it was built and by whom. It shall explore available literature with research findings in recent years to attempt to do so. 2 Stonehenge - The English Heritage Monument: 2.1 Introduction: English Heritage and the National Trust look after Stonehenge jointly. Though curious visitors have been coming to the ancient site to gawk at the monumental constructions for over 5000 years it has only recently in 1986 been declared a World Heritage Site (English Heritage, Historical Background, 2006). Researchers from the English Heritage Scientific Dating Service used a variety of dating techniques to assess dates when the monument was built. The researchers assert that Stonehenge was built in three phases - the oldest construction was the Mesolithic activity in the present car park attached to the site. It must be noted here that the team
Gun control Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Gun control - Research Paper Example The basis of the gun control debate lies squarely at the feet of the 2nd amendment. Created in 1791, the 2nd amendment states: "a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". The purpose of the 2nd amendment was to allow individual states to form their own militias to protect themselves and their country in the event of an attack from outside sources. Such an amendment was deemed necessary by the founding fathers due to the fact that the Revolutionary War had ended several years earlier, and by necessity, civilian men (and at times boys) needed to take up arms as a matter of defense. During the civil war, African American men were also called upon to join militias in an effort to defend the South from the invading Union soldiers. After the Civil War ended, there was much debate on whether the freed slaves should still be permitted the right to bear arms as a means of protection for themselves and their assets. The 14th amendment was drafted as a means to quelling the uncertainty surrounding the rights of former slaves in regards to the possession of firearms (Wilson 163). ... The 1856 Supreme Court decision in the case of Dred Scott v. Sanford denied African Americans the right to full citizenship. Due to this denial of full rights, African Americans were prohibited from carrying weapons and firearms of any sort. It wasn't until 1866 when the Civil Rights Act was passed by Congress that carrying a firearm became legal for all citizens despite their ethnic background (Wilson 164). Since that time gun control policy has been scrutinized for various reasons, but none stemming from racial or ethnic bias. Gun Control Policy 1900-2008 Since the year 1900, there have been reviews of gun control policy in the United States. During the early 1900's, terrorist factions, such as the mafia began to take hold of major cities across the United States. Gun violence was erupting on a daily basis as crime bosses fought their battles to control the streets. Many individuals who were not involved in criminal activity were losing their lives. As a response to the increase in gun violence across the country, the Supreme Court passed the National Firearms act. The National Firearms Act of 1934 imposes an excise tax on those firearms believed to be used routinely in criminal activity (Lott 125). This excise tax was imposed on the manufacturer of the firearm as well as the individual selling the firearm. Guns such as machine guns, short barreled rifles, short barreled shotguns and hand grenades topped the list of those firearms subjected to the increased excise tax. Congress first mandated that guns less than 16 inches would be considered short barreled, and thus subjected to the tax, but in 1960 the National Firearms Act was amended, changing the mandated barrel length to 14 inches (Lott 183). The assassination of several prominent
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Earth Sciences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Earth Sciences - Essay Example Thus, careful study of the accurate cardinal orientation of the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt, and the Venus alignment of the Maya Palace of the Governor at Uxmal in Yucatan can reveal to what extent associated ancient cultures were advanced in their knowledge of astronomy and possibly provide scope for amazement at such achievements of monumental precision ((The Center for Archaeoastronomy, 2002). Stonehenge (Figures 4 & 5) has special significance to archaeoastronomy. It is certainly not the largest ancient stone circle in the world but it is certainly the only one with lintels on the upright stones (English Heritage Website, FAQs on Stonehenge). "Stonehenge, the word, is believed to have originated from the Anglo-Saxon period, from the old English word "henge' meaning 'hanging' or 'gibbet'. Thus, Stonehenge literally means the 'hanging stones' and may have been derived from the lintels that seem to hang above the uprights (English Heritage, Historical Background, Stonehenge, 2006). Today 'henge' has a special significance in archaeology meaning a circular construction of either stone or timber (English Heritage, Historical Background, Stonehenge, 2006). The discoveries at Stonehenge in the 60s have made the interdisciplinary fields of archaeoastronomy and ethnoastronomy (the study of contemporary native astronomies) active fields wherefrom scholars derive knowledge of our species' continuous interaction with the cosmos (The Center for Archaeoastronomy, 2002). The report seeks to find clearly why Stonehenge was built, when it was built and by whom. It shall explore available literature with research findings in recent years to attempt to do so. 2 Stonehenge - The English Heritage Monument: 2.1 Introduction: English Heritage and the National Trust look after Stonehenge jointly. Though curious visitors have been coming to the ancient site to gawk at the monumental constructions for over 5000 years it has only recently in 1986 been declared a World Heritage Site (English Heritage, Historical Background, 2006). Researchers from the English Heritage Scientific Dating Service used a variety of dating techniques to assess dates when the monument was built. The researchers assert that Stonehenge was built in three phases - the oldest construction was the Mesolithic activity in the present car park attached to the site. It must be noted here that the team
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The requirements for employers to allow maternity leave under United Essay - 1
The requirements for employers to allow maternity leave under United Kingdom law is a disadvantage to women in the workplace. Discuss this statement - Essay Example This legislation simply puts off most of the employers in employing women. Research conducted in UK has indicated that most companies are quite reluctant in employing women that are of the child bearing age (Davis, 2005, p 18). Majority of the politicians have aired out their grievances stating that there is need to amend the family legislation as well as the optional maternity leave because it has proven to be a disadvantage for most women in the workplace. Women who do ordinary jobs tend to fair badly when they take up the sole option of maternity leave. As soon as they resume their jobs it is quite difficult for them to catch up with their lost earnings owing to the fact that they donââ¬â¢t get any pension rights while on maternity leave (Bunkham, 2013). Reports on pregnancy discrimination have indicated that most women in UK experience discrimination at their work simply for the fact of being pregnant or taking up a maternity leave. Some women have also complained of being thrown out of their jobs. Despite the fact that women have been given the rights at work regarding things like extension of their statutory maternity leave as well as pay, paid time off in order to attend doctorsââ¬â¢ appointments and the right to get flexible working hours there is a great challenge emerging from pregnancy discrimination. A lot needs to be done by the government in ensuring that women can be able to resume their careers and work duties without any discrimination and restrictions (Sargeant & Lewis, 2005, p 19). Most employers tend to illegally discriminate their women employees as soon as they get pregnant and they are usually made redundant when on maternity leave. Maternity leave therefore, tends to damage women careers, owing to the fact that as soon as their back to work a lot of events and duties have passed them. During maternity leave, most women are not able to gain experience in their line of duty and this is a common setback for those who want to
Monday, October 14, 2019
Isolation and Characterization of Onion DNA
Isolation and Characterization of Onion DNA The experiment was about the isolation and characterization of DNA. The DNA was isolated from the onion. The mass of the isolated DNA was 15.11 g. The purity of isolated DNA was estimated by calculating the ratio based from the absorbance at 260nm and 280nm resulted to 0.671 meaning more protein was absorbed. Meanwhile in denaturation of DNA, the initial absorbance at 260 nm was 1.304 higher than the absorbance at 260 nm after heating which was 1.095. INTRODUCTION Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the genetic material in humans and all other organisms. DNA isolation is the removal of DNA from the cell which it normally resides. Isolation is the removal of DNA from the cell in which it normally inhabits. (1) Onions are used since it contains little amount of starch which allows the DNA to be more visible. The filtrate is made up of onions treated with salt, distilled water and detergent collectively called as lysis solution. DNA purification is done by enzymatic degradation of contaminating proteins with ethanol. A spectrophotometer is used in determining the concentration and purity of the proteins. (2) MATERIALS AND METHODS Isolation of DNA from Onion The peeled onion bulb was chopped and measured homogenized. The sample was placed in a blender added with an ice-cold lysis solution then for 45 seconds at low speed. Meanwhile, the lysis solution used was prepared beforehand by mixing 5.00 ml of liquid detergent, 5.00 ml of 0.500M EDTA, 10.0 ml of 50% Na Cl solution, and 80 ml of distilled water and placed in an ice bath. After homogenizing, the sample was filtered through the cheesecloth and the collected filtrate was placed in a 250-ml beaker. A 10.0 ml of 5% pepsin solution was added to the filtrate and placed on an ice bath for 10 minutes with occasional stirring. Ice cold 30.0 ml of 95% ethanol was pipette to the side of the beaker containing the sample and stand for 10 minutes on ice bath. Once the DNA precipitates appeared at the interface of the solution, the DNA was already ready for isolation. The spooled DNA was transferred immediately to a pre-weighed 100-ml beaker to determine the mass and percent yield of the sample. T he isolated DNA was added with 10.0 ml of 95% ethanol then covered with aluminum foil and refrigerated in preparation for the next laboratory procedure. Characterization of DNA Little amount of DNA sample was placed in a test tube added with 1.00 ml of 20% TCA followed by heating the sample for 10 minutes in water bath with 1.00 ml distilled water. A 2.00 ml of diphenylamine solution was added then heat again in a water bath for 10 minutes. The color change was observed and the absorbance of the sample from 400 nm to 700 nm was scanned to determine the wavelength of maximum absorption. Mean while, little amount of the DNA sample was placed in a separate test tube filled with 5.00 ml distilled water and scanned to read the absorbance at 260 nm then at 280 nm. After determining the A260/A280 value, the sample was heated to boil for 5 minutes and read the absorbance adain at 260 nm. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The mass of the raw sample gathered from onion is 30.4 g. After homogenization and adding of pepsin solution and ethanol, DNA precipitates were became visible and transferred to another beaker. The isolated DNA measures 23 g. The calculated percentage yield was quite high. However, still some sources of error was done while conducting the experiment, the sample with DNA precipitates was disturbed while transferring the DNA. The accumulated DNA precipitates is enough for the next procedure which is characterization. Heat denaturation of DNA, causes the double helix structure to unwind and form single stranded DNA. Thus, the bases unstacked and can absorb more light causing an increase after denaturation. But based on the results gathered, the initial absorbance at 260 nm was 1.304 then was decreased after heating which was 1.095. The calculated percent increase in absorbance was 8%. This error is maybe, due to the heating process. The DNA acquired was quite greater and was not totally heated afterwards causing double helix structure not to unwind and form a single stranded DNA. The filtrate gathered from this experiment was made of onions and lysis solution. Onion was used in this study due to low starch content, allowing the DNA to be more visible considering the onion as one of the best source of DNA. (4) The used of lysis solution was to separate the DNA from extra cell components and to keep the location in which the DNA will not be tainted. The NaCL provides NA+ ions that will obstruct the negative charge as of phosphate ends of DNA. Permitting these ends to come nearer so they can precipitate out of a cold solution. The detergent causes the breaking down of the cell membrane by emulsifying the cell proteins and lipids. Also, disrupting the polar connections that collectively holds the cell membrane. The complexes formed with these lipids and proteins causes the precipitate out of solution. Meanwhile, the purpose of EDTA is to chelates metal ions. (5) A Pepsin solution was used for purification via enzymatic degradation. DNA is polar due to its extremely charged phosphate backbone which makes it soluble in water. Thus DNA is insoluble in ice cold ethanol, as a result when the cold ethanol was added, it causes stable ionic bonds to form and precipitate the DNA. Heating the sample is the one responsible for the formation of the observed color of DNA with diphenylamine. When the DNA is heated with acid, the 2-deoxyribose is converted to w-hydroxylaevulinic aldehyde, which reacts with the compound diphenylamine. Through this, a blue-colored compound supposed to produce. In our sample the color observed was green possibly because of the DNA concentration. The ratio of absorptions at 260 nm vs 280 nm is frequently used to evaluate DNA contamination of protein solutions. The nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, absorbs at 260 nm and proteins absorb at 280 nm. Based on the results, the rate ratio of absorptions at 260 nm vs 280 nm is 0.671. Since proteins absorb light at 280 nm, the ratio is low meaning there is a lot of protein absorbed at 280nm.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Discussing two or three Poems in Detail, Explain how you think Heaney :: English Literature
Discussing two or three Poems in Detail, Explain how you think Heaney Develops our Understanding of the Nature of Humanity and Existence through Poetry In this essay I will discuss the poems Digging, Wheels within Wheels and Toome. I will explain how Heaney develops our understanding of humanity and existence through the poems mentioned above. Heaney mainly uses poetic techniques to express and expand our understanding of the nature of existence and humanity. The ideas in Digging concern relationships to ancestors, and to work. Heaney describes his relationship to his father and grandfather purely in terms of their work on the land. He takes the idea of digging, the commonest form of work in any rural community, and uses it as a symbol for productive, creative work in general, and for writing in particular. The idea in Wheels within Wheels are about life in the metaphor of a wheel. Toome is about the bog type land and the past. I think Heaney develops our understanding of the nature of humanity by bringing the theme of relationships on the farm into this poem. Heaney's father has great skill when it comes to digging, "levered firmly. This shows the reader that country life is not all easy, and even to work on a farm, you need to have quite a lot of skill. The images produced by these words are very effective because they give the reader a picture of a man who is not only digging, but doing it with immense skill, which is not something which we usually associate with a job like that. This helps us understand why Heaney has chosen to talk about his past and digging. The continuation of farming from Heaney's grandfather, to Heaney's father, "the old man could handle a spade. Just like his old man" shows the reader that country life is very family orientated, and professions are often carried down from father to son. The images of Heaney's father being taught to dig by his father are very powerful and effective, because they show the reader the strong bonds between humanity on a farm, and that human nature has not changed. The last line, "The squat pen rests. I'll dig with it." shows that in the country, it is often expected that people like Heaney will follow in their father's footsteps, but Heaney is seen here to choose to be a writer. The image of Heaney digging out his memories with pen are very effective because the reader can visualise the likeness between poetry and farming. Heaney uses alliterative language to go back to the roots of time and human
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The First Job :: essays research papers
The First Day à à à à à On June 1, 2003 my thinking on life, changed a little bit. It happened to be a Sunday that I didnââ¬â¢t think I would be going to bed at 2:30 P.M. in order to go to work. I got under the cover of my bed and I was out like a light. Once I got into a very deep sleep it was hard to get out of it. I heard my alarm go off, and I didnââ¬â¢t want to get up, but I got up and started to get dressed. I went out in the kitchen and got something to eat and then packed my lunch for the night. à à à à à On the way to Van Wert, I was getting very intense. I started to get nervous about what I would be doing and who I would be working with. The closer I got to the factory the more nervous I got. Once I pulled into the parking lot and was shutting my car off, I realized that this isnââ¬â¢t a place I would like to work at all of my life. à à à à à Then I was walking into the factory and got clocked in and realized what I was in for. The presses were pounding away on the big coils of steel; the air had a humid musty smell that was going to get to me over time. I went into the break room and put my lunch box in the refrigerator. I walked nervously to meet my foreman and he gave me something to do. I was running a 400 degree rubber injection press the first part of the night. à à à à à At about 2:00 A.M. the bell rang for the first break. I was happy to here that because I needed a break to get something to drink. I sat down in the break room and sweat was still running down my face. As I was starring up at the TV I thought to myself, ââ¬Å"this is going to be a long summer.â⬠After the ten minute break was over, I walked back out to the press I was running and put on my soaked sleeves and gloves. When I was getting ready to start my press up my foreman came over to me and told me to come with him. All the while I was thinking in my head where is he taking me? What am I going to be doing now?
Friday, October 11, 2019
Organic Food vs Genetically Modified Food Essay
AWARENESS of organic products has come a long way over the past 12 years, according to Billy Bond, owner of Organic Larder. The Malop St grocery store, which sells high-quality certified organic and bio-dynamic produce, was opened in 2000. Business is booming. Mr Bond said he opened the business when organic products were ââ¬Å"a bit of an unknownâ⬠in Geelong but his store was thriving as consumers switched to sustainable living. ââ¬Å"Now there is a lot more education and media coverage about being sustainable and doing something for the environment,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"People are much more conscious of their environmental footprint. â⬠Mr Bond said the focus on organic food was particularly important, because it related directly to consumersââ¬â¢ health. ââ¬Å"A lot of young mums decide to pay specific attention to the food intake of their kids these days because they are starting to realise that environmentally-sustainable choices are usually healthy choices,â⬠he said. Another reason for choosing organic food was knowing exactly what youââ¬â¢re eating. ââ¬Å"Supermarkets these days have very loose labelling guidelines,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"If all the ingredients in a product come from overseas but itââ¬â¢s just put together in Australia they are allowed to say itââ¬â¢s made here, but thatââ¬â¢s very deceiving. â⬠A large focus of Mr Bondââ¬â¢s business is placed on supporting local producers and growers, with an emphasis on quality and nutritional value. ââ¬Å"We want people to know what theyââ¬â¢re getting when they come here so they can make sustainable choices,â⬠he said. He believes the increasing popularity of organic and sustainable items will lead to supermarkets being held accountable for their products. ââ¬Å"People are starting to ask questions and they want to know more about the products they are using. Hopefully this will lead to labelling laws being changed and big supermarkets selling more organic products,â⬠he said. More classrooms, labs focusing on research, instruction Section: Money, Pg. 02b The organic food industry, which has more than quadrupled its sales in the USA in the last decade, is getting more attention in university classrooms and research labs. The U. S. Department of Agriculture has put an unprecedented $117 million into organic research in the last three years. Advocates are pushing for a bigger share in a new five-year farm bill Congress expects to pass this year. The amount of research on organics still is dwarfed by the more than $10 billion annually spent on public and private agricultural research in the USA. A new report by the Organic Farming Research Foundation says the number of states that have devoted land for organic research nearly doubled from 2003 to 2011 to 37. Universities offering academic programs in organic farming jumped from zero to nine, says the OFRF, which supports organic farmers and processors. The group says the universities of Florida, Tennessee and Minnesota, and Washington State, Michigan State and Colorado State universities are doing the best among 72 schools it judged on eight measures of organic farming research and instruction. ââ¬Å"The organic industry is just the fastest-growing sector in agriculture right now,â⬠says David Butler, an assistant professor of organic, sustainable and alternative crop production at the University of Tennessee. ââ¬Å"There are a lot of small producers interested in organic crops, just to capture the greater dollar for their crops and make a living on a smaller piece of land. â⬠About 14,600 farmers are certified under USDA organic regulations for agreeing not to use synthetic fertilizer or genetic engineering, among other requirements. The USDA hopes to increase that number by 20% over five years. Recruiting more organic farmers is also part of the USDAââ¬â¢s efforts to replace an aging farmer population with at least 100,000 new farmers overall. The Organic Trade Association says sales of organic products rose from $7. 4 billion in 2001 to $31. 4 billion in 2011 and increased from about 1. 4% to 4% of total U. S. food sales. The rise in demand comes from health and environmental concerns and what Deputy Agriculture Secretary Kathleen Merrigan calls ââ¬Å"this growing desire of people wanting to know how their food was produced, and who produced it. â⬠Maureen Wilmot, executive director of the Organic Farming Research Foundation, which has awarded about $2. 75 million in small research grants in the last decade, says public universities are not meeting research needs for rising organic demand. Merrigan says the organic industryââ¬â¢s growth has led to innovations for non-organic producers. ââ¬Å"Organic farmers in many ways have been research pioneers,â⬠she says.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Fascism like a system of action and a system of thought Essay
According to Mussolini, Fascism is a system of action and a system of thought. It is of action in that; the doctrine is inherent. It sees the worldââ¬â¢s generations and individuals brought together by moral law and common traditions and life not limited by space and time. It wants individuals to be aware of the difficulties surrounding them and should engage in actions in readiness to face these difficulties with all their energies (Goldberg, j. (2009). The program of the national Socialist German workers party(1920) stated that only people with the German blood could become citizens. This was a way of refuting the Jews from becoming nationals. It also stated that any person who committed a crime against the citizens was punishable by death regardless of race or religion. The party restrained from affiliating with any religious denomination but gave freedom to all denominations with a disclaimer that it did not injure the existence of the nation. It claimed to stand for positive Christianity but was against the Jewsââ¬â¢ materialistic spirit. According to Lenin, ââ¬Å"religion is the opium of the poorâ⬠.in this regard, all religious institutions in relation to all faiths were instruments that were used by the middle class and the peasants as an exploitation mechanism and to also perplex the working class. Issues of religion should be held as private contradictions of individuals i.e. private matters that concerns you alone and should not be used to bring revolution. On the other hand, Maxim Gorky viewed religion as harmonious unifying feeling existing between human beings and the universe. According to him, communists should use it to understand and solve lifeââ¬â¢s mysteries and in their quest for truth and justice. In the ââ¬Å"Hymn to Stalinâ⬠, Evidence praises Stalin for being a great leader. He acts as if Stalin is a God by evidently worshiping him. Since communists do not believe in the existence of God, they use the philosophy ââ¬Å"the end justifies the meansâ⬠. For them, if a lie or even murder promotes their course to advance communism then that is not sinful. If there were no religion in communism, the state would have to protect its citizen or establish laws so as to bring order and curb injustices. In Divini Redemptoris, the Catholic church views communism as a way offsetting social order that aims at attacking Christian foundations of truth, justice and all eternal values. This is because, communists did not see any big deal in murdering people who had contrary opinions to what they stood for. A good example is Maxim Gorky, who was assassinated. Mit Brennen der surge accused the Nazi leadership of being discriminatory and exalting particular forms of state and races. His encyclical addresses blasphemy and idolatry by the Nazi state (1937). This is because the Nazi state worshipped people such as Stalin. In my opinion, through simple observation, some races are better than others in terms of intellectual ability and, for this reason, thereââ¬â¢s no offence in exalting races that are better off. The issue of worship, one praises a person who helps him, in that case; Stalin praised because he visibly supported the communists. The Barmen declaration claimed that the Nazi regime made teachings contradictory to the Christian faith. This is because the Nazi regime claimed that Hitler was the head of the German church and that Christ and Christianity were Aryan. The declaration expressly stated that Christ alone is the word of God, the source of all authority and truth. It specifically refuted claims by the Nazi regime that other powers apart from Christ could be sources of Godââ¬â¢s revelation. Closure of churches, murder of bishops and other church leaders and imposition of stringent laws and regulations that hinder the churchââ¬â¢s activities, are some of the challenges faced by the churchââ¬â¢s leadership in trying to remain faithful to religious precepts. References Hockings,à M.à D. (2004). A church divided: German Protestants confront the Nazi past. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. In Szczesniak,à B.à B. (1959). The Russian revolution and religion: A collection of documents concerning the suppression of religion by the Communists, 1917-1925. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. Meyer,à A.à G. (1984). Communism. New York: Random House Source document
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Automated Daily Time Record
In compliance with the Civil Service Commissionââ¬â¢s (CSC) rules on personnel management, each agency shall require a daily record of attendance of officers and employees including those serving in the field or on the water; to be kept on the proper form, and whenever possible, registered on the bundy clock (KMD,Solution Fit for e-DTR. 2008. Online November 24, 2013. http://ilocos. net. ph/DTRMANUAL/eDTR%20MANUAL%20basic. pdf). It is important to remember that the time record is a legal document that provides the basis for payment of salary and accrual of leave credits.The time record must contain a certification statement attesting to the accuracy of the record, which must be signed by the employee. The time record must also be certified by the supervisor. The record of attendance must show actual hours worked.This includes all hours worked beyond the basic workweek for both overtime eligible and overtime ineligible employees. Since supervisors are required to certify the actual hours worked by both overtime eligible and overtime ineligible employees, supervisors must monitor the actual hours worked by these employees.Supervisors should ensure that procedures and expectations with respect to additional hours of work have been clearly communicated to employees (John Currier. 2000. Online. 2013 from http://www. brockport. edu/~shra/pef_attend. htm. ).Automated Employee Attendance Daily time record system is a computerized medium of gathering data, this is the time taken to achieve a given daily objective or task. The time will vary with a given task and can range from house related tasks to work related task.It is the method of logging and organizing time information. (http://www. technologyevaluation. com/search/for/data-flow-diagram-of-daily-time-record-system. html). It can be used for work projects, bus schedules, and airplane schedules or at school schedules.Computerized Daily Time Record completely replaces manual time card machines or your hand writte n time and attendance records. It is a computer based time clock and time keeping solutions that record and monitor employeesââ¬â¢ log-in/log-out times by means of computer system.According to www. system. webcrawler. com there are several positive factors that DTRS can give, it will give an accurate time control management to the employee, and it can give accurate time computation, decreases the paper works and other equipment expenses.AEADTR plays major rule in the payroll system, thus, it gives computerized and ready to use data instantly. DTRS can make payroll processing easy and it may lead to accurate recording of payroll information.This Automated Employee Attendance Daily Time Record focuses on the need to design a system that will automatically arrange the record and calculate the average attendance of each employee. A well-conceived and implemented automated employee record system can reduce the costs of handling the paperwork associated with record keeping.Manual atten dance record system is not efficient and requires time to arrange record and to calculate the average attendance of each individual employee. Automated employee Attendance Daily Time Record is intended to replace the manual model of attendance record keeping.Merry Child School is using ball pen or log book to record its attendance this system need a computer and the employee will record his/her attendance with a password and the system will arrange the record and calculate the average attendance of the employee.By the programmed database, it will provide job details to the human resources department as the salary period comes. With this programmed database, the accumulation of employee information will be possible and at the same time helps managers to employ simple approach to inspect the employee information for verification of truth.This programmed database will allow the supervisor to establish timetable for each employee including recess times, holidays and whether overtime is needed. Daily Time Software is used by many organizations to assist hold course of employee hours for payroll purposes.Daily Time Software tracks employee time information in a database that helps managers to have simple entry to employee data and to analyze the data for accuracy. The Daily Time Clock packages provide scheduled administration. Daily Time Software innovative structure features fundamental coverage and connections to payroll systems.At the conclusion of the salary time, each employee's hours are automatically reported to the human resources department, reducing paperwork and eliminating errors. Arrival and exit times using a computer time clock. To log in/log away, employees take unusual identifiers, such as cards with magnetic stripe or barcodes, biometric input devices that stop fingerprints or handprints, and iris scanners that are not widely distributed because of privacy concerns. Daily Time Software completely replaces manual time card machines or your hand writ ten time and attendance records.Daily Time Software eliminates the need for you to spend more hours each week compiling your manual Bundy systems into a report to supply to your payroll department. Daily Time Software saves hours of generating automated payroll reports for your employees by simply, printing out the reports and write the checks.Daily Time Software supports weekly. You can put together a real workforce solution through Daily Time Software ( beverly82, august 2011. Online. http://www. studymode. com/essays/Automated-Daily-Time-System-Literature-756653.html. ) It records and provides real time and updated Merry Child School employee time-ins and outs, pass slips (personal or official), leave credits, overtimes and even deviances. The office policies (internal and external) were used as the basis of the automated computations and as the guideline for the implementation of the system. This system attempts to lessen the time spent of the Personnel Unit in manually computin g the leave credits and overtimes; thus making the maintenance of the records of the staffs of MCS easier.It also records the number of hours spent by an employee whenever he/she gets out of the office by virtue of the pass slip or request for a vehicle. Employeeââ¬â¢s violations such as tardiness and under-times are likewise recorded. With the automation of the processes, the Personnel Unit are has more time to work on their other deliverables, thus improve their productivity.The proposed system contains attendance record in electronic files containing details of absence or presence of a specific employee registration during a semester. Attendance records have been collected on paper forms and verified with hand written signatures.However, the increasing demand for automated employee attendance daily time record should be implemented as soon as possible in order to reduce the costs of handling the paper works with record keeping. (2013, 11. Daily Time Record. StudyMode. com. Ret rieved 11, 2013, from http://www. studymode. com/essays/Daily-Time-Record-1831449. html .This proposed system described in this document should be implemented also in different school and all automated systems must follow the standard procedures. This study will try to organize the current school attendance record system that will be much quicker and will save time.Statement of the ProblemThe proposed ââ¬Å"Automated Employee Attendance daily time recordâ⬠to the Merry Child School seeks to develop their current system and provides answers to the following problems specifically on payroll processing such as the security issues, inaccurate calculation of working time, total late, total absences, and under time.Manual process can lead to poor service and delayed payroll creation. Damage or loss of the manual process may lead to inaccurate file restoration and itââ¬â¢ll affect the momentum of payroll creation and both the employer and the employee will suffer.ObjectivesThe sol e purpose of this study is to provide quality and genuine service involving the employeeââ¬â¢s personal information to create a system that is called the Automated Employee Attendance Daily Time record. It may solve related issues according to the data gathered from the school.This system is designed to create an automated DTR or so called the AEADTR system that will ensure the employee to receive a total security of its data, proper monitoring of reports in each employee, and for rating and prompting the employee for their overall remarks according to their record.It also provides a user friendly environment that would ensure both quality and easy manipulation. This system is developed to provide accurate and safe computation of data being gathered through each employee of Merry Child School, to provide proper time management to the administration, to lessen the expenses of the institution and to properly monitor the attendance of the employees. This is to evaluate if the system has provided the administrator the needs and fill up the missing piece of their business.Scope and LimitationsThe scope of the study focuses on attendance processing that will provide management of the daily time record, computation of total duty hour, absences, overtime and late. The output data of this system will be used as reference in creating a payroll. In addition, the system will provide total security of data, monitoring of the employees reports, and evaluating each employee based on the data shown in their records. For the security, the system is equipped with unique barcode scanning that will scan each identification card of the employee containing the barcode and safely store it to the database that can be used for future references.For monitoring, the system will automatically generate a prompt to the employee if the employee has a good attendance standing. This will allow the admin to instantly monitor each one of the institutions constituents.Significance of the stud yThis system could contribute to the better and brighter way of processing the Daily time record by providing accurate and stable data gathering through its secure and precise processes. Accounting department could benefit this system because of its fast and accurate process and will result to reducing their discomfort of preparing employee salary.Also this system provides reports to each employee that could help the administrator identify which of them acquire excellent or poor status. The administrator can prepare the salary fast with its pay Slip ready through the help of both DTR system and Payroll system working together and this could benefit the employer and the employee. This study will also benefit the next generation of students that will take the degree of any computer studies courses in Capitol University. If approved, then, this will serve as their reference for future research.
Teching ICT for Special Need Pupil Between Theory and Practice Essay
Teching ICT for Special Need Pupil Between Theory and Practice - Essay Example To make ICT practical in addressing the needs of students with special needs, there is need to sensitize the community on the role that ICT can play in education of those with special needs. INTRODUCTION There are pupils faced with all manners of learning disabilities whether physical, educational, emotional, mental, or may be a combination of all the above problems. Problems like autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, epilepsy, spinal bifida, and others present compounding disabilities which teachers find difficult to deal with. These problems present various kinds of learning disabilities ranging from mental problems to behavioral problems. Behavioral problems make it difficult for student to associate with others in the learning environment which defies the order of learning as an associative activity. It is good to realize that the world has moved from early problems of deafness and blindness which has defined learning disabilities for along time, and has moved to addressing the previously mentioned problems. The world is coming to realization that disability is no inability. There has been a vigorous campaign from all over the world in a bid to encourage the education of those with special needs. For a long time disabled children have been considered as unfit to pursue higher levels of education as compared to their normal counterparts. Students with learning disabilities have faced a lot of problems integrating in the same classrooms with other students. This has led to development of special teaching classrooms for those students with special needs. In a learning environment, teachers are faced with various problems of addressing the needs of the students which are as diverse as the students themselves. Those with physical disabilities will require... This paper stresses that to make ICT more practical to students with special needs, it is also good to start with training the community first of the importance that ICT can play in education of these children. This will involve mobilization of the community which turns out to be holding teachers, parents and the children themselves. This report makes a conclusion that the use of ICT in the learning process of students with special needs is very vital. It is very important models of learning that can help student with learning disability achieve the same education calibre like other children. It is beneficial not only to the students but also to the community as a whole. However we have seen the many hurdles that make the process impractical. This is the point that all the authorities in the world should strive to address right now. Implementing ICT in special schools should not be seen only as a burden of the parents and teacher alone nor should it be taken as a problem to be tackled by the authority alone but rather it should be seen as burden that everybody has to tackle. All of us have an input that can make the process more practical. It is time the world moved from the theoretical mentioning of the process and moves to make it more practical. Going by its benefits, it is worth our trial. There is need for t he world to move fast and address the digital divide that has currently rocked the world. The ICT gap between the developed and the developing world has increased with a huge gap and there is need for it to be addressed fast. This can only be done through increasing access to ICT facilities to the developing world. This will also involve involving students with learning disabilities more in the digital world which will help in their holistic development.
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